Nurture Your Skin
Nurture Your Skin

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Injectable Fillers
Injectable Fillers

Top of the line products to bring you the look you always dreamed of.

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Rejuvenate Your Look

From Laser Hair Removal to Sun Spot and Blemish treatment that make your skin shine.

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BOTOX Cosmetics Injections in Richmond Hill

Botox Cosmetic Logo

Botox® cosmetic injections are measured in units and usually priced in dollars per unit.  Price of BOTOX unit injection can be different in some clinics. Usually price of a BOTOX Unit ranges between $12 and $18 per unit of BOTOX.

BOTOX Cosmetics Injections in Richmond Hill

Wrinkle Cosmetic injections are now available at our clinic in Richmond Hill.

Migraine Headache Control

Migraine Headache Control treatment is available in our Richmond Hill office.

Migraine headaches are affecting up to 1 in 10 people in North America.  If you suffer from these types of devastating headaches and if you unsuccessfully tried other ways of treatment, Migraine Headache Control Injections performed in our office might be a solution for you.  Please note that a prescription drug is used for this treatment, so the cost of medication for the procedure may be covered by drug insurance plans. Please contact us for more details on the procedure and check with your health insurance provider for eligibility.

About Migraine Headaches
Causes of Migraine
Control of Migraine Headaches
Injections for Migraines
Can I Have Injection Treatment for Migraines?
How to Get More Information?

About Migraine Headaches

According to statistics, more than 1 in 10 people in North America have migraine headaches. Migraine is a debilitating condition, characterized by moderate to severe headache, mostly, affecting one half of the head. Very often migraines accompanied by nausea, vomiting, increased sensitivity to light and/or noise. Migraine pains are usually pulsating in nature and may be aggravated by regular daily activities.

About one third of people with migraines have certain "warning" symptoms before headache starts. Those symptoms are called aura, and may include visual disturbances (such as seeing funny patterns or spots of light or colour), or other changes in senses (like unusual or funny smell or taste.)

Cause of Migraines

Exact cause of migraine is not known. We know that migraine happens when brain becomes hyperactive in response to some external triggers, like sounds, light or smells. The reason of such hyperactivity is unknown though.

Hormonal triggers

Women suffer from migraines 3 times more frequently than men and most migraine sufferers have link between migraines and hormone fluctuations. Those hormonal waves can cause headache to start. Migraines may start as early as puberty and can continue in adult life, however most women stop having migraines after menopause.

Food triggers

Food can very commonly cause migraine headaches. Alcohol, especially red wine and beer, are often named as migraine triggers. Other common food to cause migraine include:

  • chocolate
  • aged cheese
  • pickled or marinated food
  • caffeine and caffeine-contained drinks (coffee, cola)
  • aspartame (part of some artificial sweeteners)
  • monosodium glutamate (MSG) - a taste enhancer added to some food (often to Chinese food) and seasonings

Other Triggers

Other triggers of migraines include:

  • sleeping pattern changes (too much too little sleep)
  • stress
  • hunger
  • atmospheric pressure changes

Control of Migraine Headaches

One of the important ways to control migraine is to identify the triggers and make every effort to avoid themUnfortunately, some triggers are difficult to avoid and many migraine sufferers require medications to control headaches.

Several groups of medications are used to prevent migraine headaches ranging from blood pressure controlling drugs and antidepressant to anti-seizure medications, muscle relaxants and vitamins Botox (OnabotulinumtoxinA), a medication used for treating various medical conditions as well as for cosmetic purposes, has been approved for migraine prevention by Health Canada since November 14, 2011.  According to several studies, Botox was effective in prevention of chronic migraine headaches that occur 15 days or more per month.

Non-drug treatment methods like relaxation, behavioral therapy and acupuncture may decrease number of migraine attacks and can be used in combination with drug therapies.

Injections for Migraines

Patients that suffered from chronic migraine attacks noted, that after receiving cosmetic Botox injections to improve appearance of upper facial lines, their migraine became less frequent and in some cases stopped at all.  This effect of muscle relaxing protein have been studied extensively since then.  Several studies completed in 2010 in University of Essen in GermanySwedish Neuroscience Institute in USA and Mayo Clinic, USA showed that injections of muscle-relaxing drug were effective for prevention of headaches in adults with chronic migraines.  Since then, the United States and the United Kingdom and Canada approved the use of Botox as one of the methods to prevent migraine headaches in chronic cases.

Can I Have Injection Treatment for Migraine Headaches Prevention?

Before considering the treatment in our office, it is advisable to see your family doctor and have your chronic migraine diagnosis confirmedHeadaches and other symptoms, like visual disturbances or smell changes, can be experienced in medical conditions other than migraines.  The injections of muscle-relaxing agent can help you to control the number of migraine attacks, but it is not a treatment for acute migraine headache.  It is also not a first choice of treatment and we usually recommend it for people who failed other treatment methods.

Injectable Fillers (Juvederm)

What is an Injectable Filler?

An injectable filler, also referred to as a dermal filler, is the injection of particular medical substances into the face or lips.  Injectable fillers can be performed to restore the youthfulness of your face, augment the plumpness of your lips, enhance natural facial contours, or reduce the appearance of creases and wrinkles.  Injectable fillers produce results similar to surgical facelifts but with a fraction of the downtime and a much lower cost.

Dr. Robertus Injectable Fillers

Here at the Dr. Robertus Laser and Cosmetic Clinic, we offer Juvederm hyaluronic acid based fillers.  Each has its own features, benefits and functions which make it ideal in particular applications.  All fillers are approved by Health Canada and are temporary, as they naturally dissolve inside the body over a period of time.

Hyaluronic acid (HA) fillers

We use fillers that are 100% hyaluronic acid based, wrinkle filling, biocompatible and absorbable.  HA fillers can be injected painlessly into the face, neck, upper chest area and hands to reduce the appearance of deep wrinkles, add volume, plump and redefine, and rehydrate the skin deep down.  The results are natural and immediate, creating smooth and supple skin.  Filler injections can be performed during multiple sessions to achieve optimal results.

Which Filler is the Best?

We use only the highest quality new generation dermal fillers.  Our patients often ask what is the difference between them.  Some fillers have properties that make them more suitable for face sculpting, while others are perfect for filling wrinkles and foldsThe products we use feature smooth linear molecular structure which enables naturally-looking and long-lasting rejuvenation effect.  Your doctor will advise which filler will be better for your specific situation.

Aging:  The Issue and The Solution

Hyaluronic Acid

A substance naturally produced by the human body, hyaluronic acid is what gives our skin volume and fullness.  With its viscoelastic, hydrating and lubricating properties, hyaluronic acid contributes to good facial shape, defined contours and smoothness of the skin.  As we age, the production of hyaluronic acid slows resulting in deflated, loose, fragile and wrinkled skin.  Juverderm is injected into the dermis, effectively compensating for the skin’s loss of hyaluronic acid for a rejuvenated, youthful appearance.

Here at the Dr. Robertus Laser and Cosmetic Clinic, injectable fillers are not simply a procedure, but a work of art.  We are here to help you achieve your most optimal appearance, and most importantly, one that you will love and enjoy for many years ahead.

Juvéderm® is a registered trademark of Allergan Inc.

chemical peels

Chemical Peels Are Available In Our Office In Richmond Hill, Ontario.

About Chemical Peels

Many people are concerned with fines lines, uneven skin tone , acne scars, sun-damage, melasma and other skin concerns  that make them look older or less attractive then they really are.  Chemical peels are a safe procedure with no down times that can help address these concerns.

Chemical peels have become very popular and known as lunch time peels as they are non-invasive procedures allowing the patient to return right back to work post treatment.

During your chemical peel treatment, the skin is exfoliated using β-hydroxy or α-hydroxy acid.  Chemical peels are usually done in a series of 4-6 treatments ranging from 2-4 weeks apart for best results.

What Chemical Peels Are Used For?

Chemical peels can help improve mild to severe acne and can be done on any part of the body where acne exists.

Chemical peels help soften the look of wrinkles and fine lines and will even the skin tone and texture as well as help fade discolourations.

Despite the name, chemical peels do not really peel the skin.  What they actually do is rapidly exfoliate the skin, allowing dead skin cells to shed more effectively.  By keeping dead skin cells and excess oil from clogging the hair follicle, pimples can be drastically reduced.

Each patient is different and will be treated according to their skin condition and concern. Your technician will chose the appropriate peeling agent for you.

Types of Chemical Peels Available

Glycolyc Peel

Glycolic acid is a well-know AHA derived from sugar cane.  It is used to help exfoliate the skin and enhance skin hydration, improve the skin tone and texture as well as smooth out fine lines.  Gycolic acid peels are great anti-aging peels and very popular for patients looking to improve overall appearance and brightness of the skin.

Salycylic Peel

Salicylic chemical peels are primarily used to help control oily and breakout prone skins.  Salicyclic acid is a beta-hydroxy acid, which is an oil-soluble solution derived from will bark, birch bark and wintergreen leaves. This chemical peel helps acne and oily-prone skin by helping dissolve the bacteria.

Salycilic acid peels also help to dissolve black and white heads and to promote shedding of the outer layer of the skin. These peels are very popular amongst mature patients looking for exfoliation level that is deeper than the one typically achieved with microdermabrasions or gycolic peels.  Salicylic chemical peels are able to exfoliate the deeper layers of the skin, which helps improve pigmentation, wrinkles, and fine lines due to it's cutaneous shedding.

Both glycolic and salycylic peels are safe for all skin types when performed by a qualified professional.

Lactic Peel

Lactic Acid is an α-hydroxy acid derived from sour milk. Unlike glycolic and salycylic acids, lactic acid has relatively large molecule, which makes it difficult to penetrate deep into the skin. Lactic peel is considered the most mild peel due to it's large molecular size. This peel is ideal for the patient who does not requrie a deep exfoliation or those who are sensitive. Lactic peels are safe and gentle enough for patients with Rosacea.

Chemical peel
s will help effectively treat

  • dull uneven skin,
  • acne and acne scarring,
  • black and white heads,
  • scars,
  • fine lines and wrinkles,
  • rough skin texture,
  • pigmentation and more.

Our Commitment To You

At Dr. Robertus Laser and Cosmetic Clinic we offer chemical peels that are safe for all skin types. We use only medical grade chemical peels used in doctor's office that achieve great results with no downtime. We use the unique chemical peels system that is able to test the skin's sensitivity before treatment. This way we make sure each person is matched to the best type of a peel.

To ensure proper penetration and enhance results, chemical peels are often combined with laser skin treatments. Combination treatments, as well as proper at-home care, ensures that the best possible results are achieved and maintained for a long time.

Prior To A Chemical Peel

It is very important to discontinue the use Tretinoin (Retin-A, Vitamin A Acid), topical acne medications like Differin, Benzamycin, Clindoxyl etc., or any products which are drying or irritating 5 days prior to treatments. This will help to avoid excessive irritation or peeling.

How does it work?

First your technician will cleanse your face with appropriate cleanser or solution. Then she will put on a specialty enzyme mask testing your skin's sensitivity, which will then determine what peel is best for you. After that, the peeling agent is applied all over the face using gauze or a brush. You may feel mild heat or tingly sensation during the peel, which is normal.

Then the peel is neutralized if needed and wiped clean with cool water. A post treatment specialty soothing mask is applied to calm the skin post treatment, followed by a rich moisturizer and SPF.

Chemical peels may be applied to any part of the body including, back, chest upper arms to help with acne, scarring, pigmentation and to smooth out the texture of the skin.

Post Treatment

After your peel, your skin will feel tight and may be a bit pinkish, it is okay to apply make up right after. In-office treatments are very effective to help improve the skin, but just as important are the in-home products to maintain and sustain the treatment results. Your technician will recommend which products would be best suited for you to obtain optimal results for a long period of time.

Just as with any other procedure, it is very important to wear SPF 30 or greater every day and make it a part of your daily routine all year round. After your series of peels, you can do maintenance few times a year to maintain healthy skin.